한국현대시번역(韓國現代詩翻譯) 236

이채민 "꽃잎" (중국어 영어 번역)

李彩旻(1958- ) 〈花瓣〉 別遲疑不決了你的重量在哪兒放下也行吧躺在寶寶旁邊也好裝滿著爛紙經過的手推車上也可以孤單遊子的腳背上就更好吧飛上生活的重量那麼高在灰暗產卵的孤島上一張病榻像下雨般揮灑總比猶豫不定的春暉好吧拖掛著你生命的風今天如同陳舊的信件那樣寂寞的我這窗子裏颳來我會很愉快(半賓譯) Yi Ch'ae-min (1958- ) "Flower Petals" You shall not dither.Your weight may be laid down wherever, anywhere will do.You may lie down by the baby.On the pushcart, passing by with a full load of wastepaper, is okay, too.I'd be even better, if it was o..

이채민 "꽃은 길을 멈추고" (중국어 영어 번역)

李彩旻(1958- ) 〈花截斷路途〉 收到了一個詩人的報喪帖子,是未曾見過面的。 電腦旁擺著她留下的白梅圖我赤腳踩著陽光早已離去的時間她就在那時死了 有人抵死忍有人冒死愛有人擁抱死亡截斷路途 老天的保佑到達之前人們擦拭那青白名字 昨天發花的梅花樹今天落下花瓣 昨天站著的今天躺在花裏 習慣於離去的極為短暫的我們以生而死以死為生(半賓譯) Yi Ch'ae-min (1958- ) "Flower Cuts Off the Road" I received an announcement of a poet's death, one whom I never met. By the computerLay unfolded, "White Plum Blossoms," she left.I was treading barefootedA time from which sunligh..

신경림 "싹" (중국어 영어 번역)

申庚林 (1935-2024) 〈籽苗〉 活在黑暗而不知其黑暗的人不知道毫無痛苦地越冬的人不知道看到少許光線,我們就這樣嘁嘁喳喳跑出去的緣故耀眼而蹌踉著整天互相摟抱呵癢,咯咯笑個不停的理由 忽地想起了就把隱密躲藏的可貴傷口拿出來在陽光下悄悄曬乾的緣故流下熱淚撫摸的理由(半賓譯) Shin Kyōng-nim (1935-2024) "Sprouts" Those who aren't aware of darkness even living in darkness do not know,Those who pass through the winter without bitter pain do not knowThe reasons why we, at a hint of light,Run out, babbling and jabbering,The reasons wh..

김종길 "경이로운 나날" (중국어 영어 번역)

金宗吉(1927-2017) 〈驚奇的日常〉 在缺乏令人驚奇之事的時代裏我最近每日早上面對驚奇 早晨到院子裏窗外花圃的玫瑰花苞一天比一天成熟,散步道旁的松樹上新衩兒噌噌長得似乎都能用手觸住 每年這時都看到的,不足為奇的這些為何抓住我的眼神呢。 雖已到了任何世事也不會神奇的年齡。(半賓譯) Kim Chong-gil (1927-2017) "Marvelous Everyday" In this age that lacks anything marvelous,I face every morningSomething to marvel at. Stepping out to the yard in early morning, I seeRose bushes in the flower patches outside the windowWith flower buds get..

손택수 "송운松韻" (중국어 영어 번역)

孫宅洙(1970- ) 〈松韻〉 想要省察一生來歷時如果有輕輕放下一根針葉的樹在那下面挖一隻池子般的耳朵把那根落下的針葉在懷裏抱抱往日我不曾是為了看穿樹心胡掄鋒利斧刃的樵夫嗎跟陣陣而來的疼痛一同在池水上作波紋的年輪沿著山路流去的音樂從今我得做的是挖一方池子是做水波碰碰池岸身外波紋觸到身裏波紋時把波蕩落下的一根針葉放在胸膛(半賓譯) Son T'aek-su (1970- ) "The Dainty Resonance of the Pinetree" If, when I want to look into the stories of my life,There is a tree that gently puts down a needle leaf,I shall dig a pond-like ear under it,Catch the falling needle leaf..

정호승 "시인" (중국어 영어 번역)

鄭浩昇(1950- ) 〈詩人〉 酷寒擁來的一個冬天早上有意無意間經過一家鳅魚湯鋪子放在門口外的橡膠盆子裏我看到了硬邦邦凍僵的鳅魚直到結冰的剎那用全身寫了詩死去的樣子搖擺著尾鰭彎著腰把長著長鬍子的頭直挺挺舉著橫折豎鉤圓圈圈,各做成文字到結冰的剎那用全身向透明的冰塊吐著泥土寫了絕命詩才死的那些冬天的詩人(半賓譯) Chōng Ho-sūng (1950- ) "Poets" In a winter morning when a severe chill swarmed in, I saw,Passing with no particular thoughts by an eatery serving mudfish soup,In a rubber water basin placed outside of the entryway,Mudfish ice-locked solidlyD..

나태주 "유월에" (중국어 영어 번역)

羅泰柱(1945- ) 〈六月〉 就你默默無言地看著我幸福美好 就你時時到我旁來站著我溫暖欣悅 山上野裏的純白荼蘼花籬笆上的薔薇和諧共開的六月 就你眼神擦掠而過我恍惚若失 就向你的懷戀在心裏如煙如靄繚繞上來我已經如此滿心盈盈(半賓譯) Na T'ae-ju (1945- ) "The Month of June" Just by you silentlyLooking at me,I am happy. Just as you come now and thenTo stand by my side,I feel warm. When pure white sweetbriers on mountains and fieldsAnd rambling roses on the hedgeBloom harmoniously in the month of June Just by yo..

신경림 "이쯤에서" (중국어 영어 번역)

申庚林(1935 - 2024) 〈大略在此〉 大略在此要回去了吧乘車來的路要踢躂踢躂走回去吧 看看來時沒注意到的花聽聽至此沒聽到的鳥聲有茶樓就探探頭,有酒家就歇歇腳 熟悉的臉看到了我都會側過頭吧我不會惱怒因為我孤單單跑來已經太久了 我也不會感到羞慚即使手上提的袋子是空蕩蕩的即使我再度發現到如今摟的累的都只不過是一撮子沙(半賓譯) Shin Kyōng-nim (1935-2024) "Just about Here" I shall perhaps turn around and return just about here,Trudging alongThe road I have come riding on a car, Looking at the flowers I did not notice on my way,Listening to the birds I did ..

신경림 "낙타" (중국어 영어 번역)

申庚林 (1935 - 2024) 〈駱駝〉 我得騎駱駝,走黃泉路。除了星星、月亮、太陽,以及沙土外什麼也沒看過的駱駝,要騎著那駱駝,如若遇到有人問起世事,要裝做模樣,什麼也沒看到,揮揮手,以作回答,也假裝悲哀啊痛苦啊都早已忘清。如果讓我還生我要回答,要回去做駱駝,只看著星星、月亮、太陽,以及沙土活去,回來時挑一個世界上最愚昧的人,背上扛著他來,選那最可憐的,都不知道活著一生有過什麼樂趣的,來做個旅伴。(半賓譯) Shin Kyōng-nim (1935-2024) "Camel" I shall ride a camel to go on the way to the netherworld,A camel which has seen nothing other than the stars, the moon, the sun,And the sands. Riding on i..

박규리 "그런 일이 어딨노 경(經)" (중국어 영어 번역)

朴奎俚(1960- ) 〈何時何地能有此事經〉 即使天空分成兩片了,你還不會懂得我這塊心大地破裂了兩次,我看你還不會瞭解我這塊心嘿,整個世界患重重的打擊斷成兩段了我肯定你還不會知道我這塊心就算我把胸膛豁然打開給你看了說真的,你絕對不能認出我這塊心⋯⋯ 酒醒了嗎?吃飯吧(半賓譯) Pak Kyu-ri (1960- ) "Where-on-Earth-Happens-Something-Like-This Sutra" Even if the sky cracks into two parts, you wouldn't know my heart.Even if the earth gets broken twice, you would certainly not understand my heart.Huh, even if the world suffers a massive..