한국현대시번역(韓國現代詩翻譯) 243

신경림 "봄날" (중국어 영어 번역)

申庚林 (1935 - ) 〈春日〉 九旬母親和七旬女兒 在老松下 煎綠豆餅,賣燒酒 舉起杯子,櫻花花瓣與燒酒 爭先著落到裏邊 晚霞斜照的小溪邊 臉腮熱烘烘的幾個女孩乘涼 擠進櫻花花簇 老松樹枝間 升出白月 九旬母親和七旬女兒 在煎綠豆餅,賣燒酒的 生涯最後的鄉間小道 北漢山山口 滿山清香的春日 女孩兒們的笑聲彌漫的春日 (半賓譯) Shin Kyong-nim (1935 - ) "A Spring Day" A nonagenarian mother and her septuagenarian daughter Under an old pine tree Make mung bean pancakes and sell soju. When the cups are raised, cherry-flower petals Fly in ahead of soju. In th..

이해인 "감자의 맛" (중국어 영어 번역)

李海仁 (1945 - ) 〈土豆味兒〉 整塊煮的 白土豆 只吃一個 我心就已經 溫暖 柔嫩 寬裕 不像地瓜 那樣甜 不像西葫蘆或茄子 那樣容易爛糊 不寡味 而平靜澹泊的 中庸味兒 生氣時 我得吃土豆來舒緩 我這有棱有角的心 (半賓譯) Yi Hae-in (1945 - ) "The Taste of Potatoes" White potatoes Boiled whole— Eating just one of those Makes my heart Warm Tender And magnanimous. Not as sweet As sweet potatoes, Not as mushy As zucchinis or eggplants, A taste not flat But mild and calm, Balanced on the middle path. ..

이문재 "배웅" (중국어 영어 번역)

李文宰(1959 - ) 〈餞別〉 - 寫給南邊的德奎 母親離去的路 我以為是我背着她的 可是我在她背上,一直到最後 母親離去時 我以為是我去餞別的 不,老了仍舊幼小的我 在母親的背上 乘着年青娘的背上 緊抱着我媽的脖子 我在迎接 從天空那邊來迎接母親的 那時那樣走了以後 母親總是我媽 是娘 那年閏四月初五 北西北那方雪花不停霏霏 (半賓譯) Yi Mun-jae (1959 - ) "Sending Off" -To Tok-kyu in the South On the path of my mother's departure, I thought I carried her on my back, But I was on her back, all the way to the end. When my mother departed, I thought I sent he..

복효근 "나비 담장" (중국어 영어 번역)

卜孝根 (1962 - ) 〈蝴蝶牆〉 我不是不想看那邊 這只是為了治心傷懷砌起來的牆 陽光漸漸盈滿 我會飛越圍牆 到那院子裏去輕輕 悄悄地看一趟回來 (半賓譯) Pok Hyo-gun (1962 - ) "Butterfly Fence" It is not that I do not wish to see that side. This is a fence just for settling my longing heart. When the sunshine fills the courtyard, I would fly calmly And tenderly over the fence For an excursion. (H. Rhew, tr.) 韓文原文: 복효근 (1962 - ) "나비 담장" 보고 싶지 않아서가 아니라 그리운 마음을 다스리느라 쌓..

복효근 "나비" (중국어 영어 번역)

卜孝根 (1962 - ) 〈蝴蝶〉 那說是從開卷到閉卷需要一輩子的書說是其中一頁面大如天空其內容是天神在太初寫下的話語裏面含着小蟲的時間與寓話的秘密因而莊周也是未能辨別是夢是醒而走的那我還能加什麼話呢再者還有與花共遊吃蜜吃露而活的傳說如今我看着那本在我眼前開而閉閉而又開的書淺薄無比地想起那在我身旁逗留一會兒後消失的女人一生抖動着肩膀哭泣了一會兒那必定是那本書把我抬起又放下來的或許那本書讀通了我也說不定我只是依稀揣測那本書多麼大多麼厚而已 (半賓譯) Pok Hyo-gun (1962 - ) "Butterflies" they are said to be a book that takes a lifetime from opening to closing each page in it is said to be as large as the sky and its con..

임성구 "여유를 아는 나이" (한시 번역과 한시의 영어 번역)

林成九(1967 - ) 〈心寬意裕之齡〉二首 一、 淺綠粉紅歌漸明, 懷中滿發蝶翩輕。 穹蒼衆鳥揮蘭草, 微浪清暉茶可烹。 二、 清文繼日續徘徊, 耳目連心掩未開。 吝嗇溫擁年月裏, 黃昏已近一聲唉。 (半賓譯成七言絕句) Yim Song-gu (1967 - ) "An Age of Knowing Gentle Forbearance" 1. Songs in balmy green And powdered red, now becoming lucid, Bloom in full from the bosom, And butterflies nimbly flutter in. Birds in the sky wield the brush To paint orchid leaves. Gentle waves reflect sunbeams to suggest..

이우걸 "귀" (중국어 영어 한시 번역)

李愚杰 (1946 - ) 〈耳朵〉 不肯聽的耳朵 無法聽的耳朵 分派黨的耳朵 相掩住的耳朵 迷失了心裏路徑 早就病的耳朵 (半賓譯) Yi Wu-gol (1946 - ) "The Ear" The ear that wouldn't listen; The ear that cannot listen; The ear that already has factional division; The ear that is closed down; The ear that, having lost the mind's path, Has been sick from long ago. 李愚杰 (1946 - ) 〈病耳〉 不肯聽還無以聽, 非朋非比耳遮屏。 心中路徑早荒廢, 罹患失聰為自囹。 (半賓譯成七言絕句) 이우걸 (1946 - ) "병든 귀" 들으려 하지 않거..

정호승 별똥별 (중국어 영어 번역)

鄭浩承 (1950 - ) 〈流星〉 流星掉下的剎那 我想着你 我看你不知道 矚望掉下的流星那個剎那 我想着你的眼淚 你不知道吧 我變成你的眼淚掉下 你不知道,是不是 (半賓譯) Chung Ho-seung (1950 - ) "A Shooting Star" In the moment when a shooting star falls, I am thinking of you. I suppose you don't know this. In the moment when I look at a shooting star fall I am thinking of your tears. You don't know this, right? I fall, having turned into your tears. You don't know this, do ..

이우걸 "화병이 있는 풍경" (중국어 영어 한시 번역)

李愚杰 (1946 - ) 〈有花瓶的風景〉 花瓶總是一個季節的音樂 請看慇勤調好音的衆花樂譜 置於其旁的椅子 是盛情安排的客位 通過花那恰如微雨的幽靜目禮 通過那與花瓶交換支持氛圍的談笑 應時而來的訪客 誰也將成為貴賓 (半賓譯) Yi Wu-gol (1946 - ) "A Scene with a Flower Vase" A flower vase is always a music of a season. Behold the score of flowers tuned with devoted care. The chair placed by the side Is a seat prepared for visitors by its kindness. Through a nod by the flowers gentle as a drizzle, Throug..

이문재 "밤의 모란" (중국어 영어 번역)

李文宰(1959 - ) 〈晚間牡丹〉 這股依稀幽香也許 是白日吶喊的末端 也許是夜晚把門閂住的 花深夜竊竊發的 自言自語 因此 在花旁 半夜三更中 也把兩耳開着 不,悄悄閉上兩眼 把全身大大打開着 也許才算合乎情理 (半賓譯) Yi Mun-jae (1959 - ) "Peonies at Night" This faint aroma is perhaps The remaining tip of the daylight hubbub, Is perhaps a story whispered to themselves In the dead of night by flowers Which bolt the gate when darkness falls. Therefore By the flowers Opening the two ears Even in the..