한국현대시번역(韓國現代詩翻譯) 262

정호승 "빈 손의 의미" (중국어 영어 번역)

鄭浩承 (1950 - ) 〈空手的意義〉 為了握住別人的手 我的手應該空無所持 滿手抓著什麼 就無法握住別人的手 有所持之手必將受傷 可是空無所有之手能救別人的生命 到如今我空出手 握住了多少人的手呢 真慚愧無比 (半賓譯) Chung Ho-seung (1950 - ) "The Meaning of an Empty Hand" For me to hold someone's hand, My hand must be an empty hand. If my hands are filled with something, It is not possible to hold someone else's hand. A full hand is bound to be hurt, But an empty hand saves someone's life. Until ..

채영묵 "노인의 일기" (중국어 영어 번역)

蔡榮默 (1925 - ) 〈老人的日記〉 歲月不覺是 用完剩下的鉛筆頭兒了。 頁邊空白也沒留的日記簿裏 亂糟糟胡寫了一大堆 到如今 不但不知後悔 還忙著看眼色。 恰如因為功課沒做好 而氣餒的孩子們。 (半賓譯) Ch'ae Yōng-muk (1925 - ) "An Old Man's Diary" Time and tide have left, before I realize, Pencil stubs now could hardly be used. Having filled the diary with mindless doodles, Leaving no more empty space, Now, Without remorse or shame, He is busy studying the face of others, Just like kids f..

고영민 "여름의 일" (중국어 영어 번역)

高榮敏 (1968 - ) 〈暑期一事〉 樹下坐著我撮起鳴叫盛了 把鬱鬱發青的知了鳴叫聲 在我身上盛了又盛 這樣貯藏了 才能把鳴叫用在緊要關頭 昨天想起音訊杳然的你 半夜起來坐著 悄聲嗚咽了 今後該哭泣的事何止一二 我因此把鳴叫盛得滿滿的 哭泣應該節儉 真該哭泣時要費盡心事要哭出傷悲 哭得要很長很長 (半賓譯) Ko Yong-min (1968 - ) "A Thing to Do in the Summer" Sitting under a tree, I scooped up cries to pack— The cries of cicadas, baffled into the gloom, I scooped and scooped to pack into my body. Stored them up like that, I'd be able to pull the..

정호승 "새벽편지" (중국어 영어 번역)

鄭浩承 (1950 - ) 〈破曉書信〉 我的星星 沾着血 犯罪是人的份兒 饒恕是天的份兒 因此為了守着 自由的美麗 我的星星 沾着血 (半賓譯) Chung Ho-seung (1950 - ) "A Letter at Daybreak" My stars Are tinged with blood. Committing sin is our lot. Forgiving is heaven's lot. For holding onto The beauty of freedom, My stars Are tinged with blood. (H. Rhew, tr.) 韓文原文: 정호승(1950 - ) "새벽편지" 나의 별에는 피가 묻어 있다 죄는 인간의 몫이고 용서는 하늘의 몫이므로 자유의 아름다움을 지키기 위해 나의 별에는 피가 묻어 있다

김용택 "강" (중국어 영어 번역)

金龍澤 (1948 - ) 〈江〉 這個世界上沒有 無聲流去的江水。 走到江邊 我把背靠在樹上 用腳尖踢踢地面。 太陽在哪兒都斜下後 被腳尖踢到的土裏 相纏在一起的 白色草根露出來。 江水上 白色月光散散碎裂 看著水的我心裏 山嶺數峯微微搖動。 人生就是 像月亮經過的水路那麼長的時間 無法避免 受苦掙扎無數夜晚的。 山啊樹啊 在西邊萌出來的星星啊 我是把我依靠在你們 忍了一輩子的。 就像這世界上任何東西 也不能用來 江水裏撈出那深切的月光似地, 即使這世界上 有任何樹枝樹根 也觸不到的 遙遠深處, 這個世界上沒有 無聲流去的江水。 (半賓譯) Kim Yong-taek "A River" There's no river in the world That flows soundlessly. I go out to the river shore, Stand, leaning m..

문정희 "친구처럼" (중국어 영어 번역)

文貞姬 (1947 - ) 〈像朋友〉 誰不曉得 人也是自然的一部分 不管多麼互愛 也是無法一起走到底的 真正悲傷的不是那些 不是有一天這隻手會變成落葉 變成這座山 而是那一天 來得太快太早 都來不及喘過氣來 都無暇渾身愛戀 是有一天 像忘了一會兒的朋友 頓然前來 啪地一聲拍肩膀 (半賓譯) Mun Chong-hui (1947 - ) "Like a Friend…" Who did not know That we the people were a part of nature, That no matter how passionately in mutual love, There was no reaching to the end together? Really sad wasn't that, Not that someday this hand becomes a..

문효치 "별보기" (중국어 영어 번역)

文孝治 (1943 - ) 〈觀星〉 比起浮在天上時 掉下來的星星更美。 譬如,降至無名野草葉上的露水 喝著因孤獨而堅實的草桿 那裏邊流動的 悲哀的細微粒子, 或者,偏僻小村子裏的泉源 那渺茫深處 從厭倦的冥晦湧出疼痛的 地裏,沉在那哀傷時 星星就更美。 掉下來的 不能都是絕望。 我看著因降至最低最低處 反而更燦爛的星星。 (半賓譯) Mun Hyo-chi (1943 - ) "Stargazing" Compared to when floating in the sky, Stars that have fallen down are more beautiful. For instance, down in the dews on the leaf of a nameless grass, In the stalk made firm by solitude, When sip..

곽재구 "강" (중국어 영어 번역)

郭在九 (1954 - ) 〈一條河〉 在我胸懷裏 曾經有一條 想渡過的河 持續已久的糾紛 萍蹤不定的愛戀 那些嘆息都帶着 嘩啦嘩啦像印度水牛那樣 想要蹚着水涉過那一條河 希望能尋着野玫瑰香 如小渡船浮漾在水上 浮漾到超凡森林一角 想要掛盞悲哀的燈火 (半賓譯) Kwak Chae-gu "A River" There was in my bosom A river I wanted to cross. Tiresome trouble and strife, Wandering, unsettling love, Taking all those sighs, I wanted to cross the river, Trudging like an Indian water buffalo. I hoped I could chase the scent of wild roses..

정호승 "가을 꽃" (중국어 영어 번역)

鄭浩承 (1950 - ) 〈秋花〉 到如今美的是謝下去的花 你總是不來而走 站在連眼淚也沒有的河邊 到如今連謝下去的花也絢爛 一個渴望真理的男人 拿着燒酒空瓶常站着的街上 葉子像鐘聲似地落下 黃菊也顫動着花紮根 這一段期間勝過我的是愛 不是眼淚而是愛 說着在水深的夜晚寒地裏 再也不能相別的花 (半賓譯) Chung Ho-seung (1950 - ) "Autumn Flowers" By now, beautiful are wilting flowers. You always go away without having come. Standing by the river where there aren't even tears, Dazzling are wilting flowers, by now. On the street where a man hungry..

류시화 "비 그치고" (중국어 영어 번역)

柳時和 (1958 - ) 〈雨歇後〉 雨歇後 我想做站在你前的 一棵樹 一直到我這條命的最後一刻 想青青又青青地搖動我自己 到青色不勝幽深時前後 希望召集世上所有禽鳥 一起眺望太陽將下的傍晚天空 (半賓譯) Shiva Ryu (1958 - ) "When the Rain Ceases" When the rain ceases, I wish to stand before you as A tree. Through my entire life, I hope to be green and so green, As I shake myself. About when the greenness gets deeply intense, I want to invite all the birds in the world To look together at the ..