전경자 실업자 (중국어, 영어 번역) 全慶子(1945- ) 〈失業者〉 聚精會神地收聽 交通訊息的播報 而無處可去的人 (半賓譯) Chun Kyungja "The Jobless" Are those engrossed in listening To the traffic news radio Without having anywhere to go (H. Rhew, tr.) 韓文原文: 전경자 "실업자" 교통정보 방영을 골똘히 시청하는 갈 데 없는 사람 한국현대시번역(韓國現代詩翻譯) 2023.03.08
조지훈 승무 (중국어, 영어 번역) 趙芝薰(1920-1968) 〈僧舞〉 潔白薄紗方帽 精心摺成翩翩蝴蝶 剃了髮的刷白光頭 隱藏在薄紗方帽裏 流在兩腮的微光 因真細嫩而悲傷 空臺上黃燭淚無言無語滾下的夜晚 梧桐樹每片葉裏月在沉落 長袖揮於蒼穹 似轉欲飛輕輕翹起的腳尖 悄悄抬起漆黑眼睛 凝視遠天一顆小星 俏如桃花的臉頰上兩滴玲瓏淚珠 世事中受苦的煩惱仍是閃閃星光 彎而捲起,折了又伸出的手 似乎在心懷深處虔誠地合掌 蟋蟀也徹夜未眠的這一夜晚三更 潔白薄紗方帽精心摺成翩翩蝴蝶 (半賓譯) Cho Chi-hun (1920-1968) "A Nun Dance" The thin satin square cowl of pure white Is a butterfly folding gently. The tonsured head of bluish glare Is hidden under the thin sa.. 한국현대시번역(韓國現代詩翻譯) 2023.03.06
정호승 봄기차 (중국어, 영어 번역) 鄭浩承 (1950 - ) 〈春日火車〉 春日在首爾 乘坐前往麗水的火車 已經到了麗水站 火車不停止 繼續向大海疾走。 輛輛客車裏 乘客們都煥發著神采 開成山茶花 經過麗水港 經過梧桐島 歡鬧着奔跑在水平線上。 (半賓譯) Chung Ho-seung (1950 - ) "A Train on a Spring Day" If we take in Seoul on a spring day A train bound for Yeosu, Arriving at Yeosu Station, The train does not stop And keeps on scampering to the ocean. In every coach, Passengers beam bright smiles, Bloom as camellias, Pass Yeosu Port, P.. 한국현대시번역(韓國現代詩翻譯) 2023.03.04
윤동주 봄 (중국어 영어 번역) 尹東柱(1917-1945) 〈春〉 春意在血管裏,流如小溪, 潺、潺、離溪不遠的丘陵上 迎春花、杜鵑花、黃燦燦的白菜花 忍了三冬的我 像一株株草似地長出來。 開心的雲雀啊 從一條田壟開心地飛上去吧。 藍天青空 漫漫,高得很⋯⋯ (半賓譯) Yun Dong-ju (1917-1945) "Spring" Tidings of spring flow in blood vessels like a brook, Murmuring, murmuring. On a hill not far from the brook, bloom Forsythias, azaleas, cabbage flowers of resplendent yellow. Having endured three winter months, I grow back like patches of gras.. 한국현대시번역(韓國現代詩翻譯) 2023.03.02
전경자 사촌언니(중국어, 영어 번역) 全慶子(1945- ) 〈我表姐〉 清溪川美金黑市裏做黃牛的表姐 在一輩子第一次來過的 機場 含着淚磨磨蹭蹭後 把摺了又摺的一百元鈔票 緊緊填在我手裏 不知為何如此悲傷如此欣然的我 在一輩子第一次來過的 蒼空 不管周圍說啥似地 哇哇大哭着想 我表姐 (半賓譯) Chun Kyungja "My Cousin" A dollar peddler in the Chonggye Stream black market, My cousin, was at the airport She'd come for the first time in her life. She dawdled a while, her eyes brimming with tears, Before squeezing into my hand A hundred-dollar bill folded and f.. 한국현대시번역(韓國現代詩翻譯) 2023.02.27
박목월 나그네 (중국어, 영어 번역) 朴木月(1919-1978) 〈遊子〉 渡越渡口 沿著麥田小徑 遊子飄飄 走如月行雲中 單條獨路 向南道三百里 每每酒熟村莊 燒著醉紅夕霞 遊子飄飄 走如月行雲中 (半賓譯) Pak Mog-wol (1919-1978) "A Rover" Crossing the ford Going along the path by the wheatfield Is a rover going Like the moon riding on the clouds On a lone road Three-hundred li to the south Through the burning glow at sunset In every village where the wine matures Is a rover going Like the moon riding on the cl.. 한국현대시번역(韓國現代詩翻譯) 2023.02.23