한국 한시선(韓國漢詩選)

설손,"산 속의 비 山中雨"

반빈(半賓) 2023. 11. 29. 04:48










설손 (호, 근사재, 1319-1360)


"산 속의 비"


산 속에 밤새 비가 오고

바람이 초가지붕 위로 불었습니다

물이 불었는지는 알 수 없으나

고깃배가 높아진 것을 느낄 뿐입니다


     주: 본래 원나라 사람으로 순제 때 진사에 급제, 몇 가지 벼슬 역임, 후일 전란을 피해 고려로 이주해 고창백, 부원후를 제수 받았습니다.


(반빈 역)


Sōl Son (1319-1360)


"A Rain in the Mountain"


It rained all night in the mountain,

And the wind blew over the thatched roof.

I do not know if the water has risen.

I only feel that the fishing boat has been lifted up.


       Note: The poet is a native of Yuan, China, where he passed the jinshi examination during Emperor Shundi, and was appointed at Hanlin Academy and Commission for Buddhist and Tibetan Affairs. He later moved to Koryō, where he was enfeoffed as Earl of Ko-ch'ang, and later as Marquis of Pu-wōn.

(H. Rhew, tr.)