
정호승 "그리운 부석사" (중국어 영어 번역)

반빈(半賓) 2025. 2. 25. 05:12

鄭浩承 (1950- )


















Chung Ho-seung (1950- )


"The Floating Rock Temple I Long for"


Love, and you shall die in love.

Does Vairocana Buddha have alternatives, but is sitting like that, hanging on a finger?

Keep waiting, and you shall pass on while waiting.

Does Amitabha Buddha have other options, when he has his head cut and pillows on it?

All the way until the daybreak time passes,

The iron bell has not tolled the offering of food to Buddha,

And I've been sitting all my life before the flagpole pillars at Floating Rock Temple,

Having been unable to offer you even a bowl of rice.

I build a temple in my tears, and demolish it.

I build a temple on a rock flying in the sky.


               Note: The Floating Rock Temple (Pu-sōk-sa), located in the present day Yōng-ju, Kyōng-sang Puk-to, Korea, was built by Master Monk Ūi-sang (625-702) in the sixteenth year (676) of the reign of King Mun-mu of Shilla. The construction of the temple is said to have been assisted by a dragon, which was an incarnation of a woman, named Sōn-myo, who was in love, albeit unilateral, with Master Ūi-sang, when he studied in Tang, China. When the master returned to Shilla, she followed him, having transformed herself into a dragon.  The dragon became a rock flying in the sky, and protected the construction from all sort of evil attempts. The rock and a pavilion built for Sōn-myo are standing in the Floating Rock Temple to this day.

(H. Rhew, tr.)




정호승 (1950- )


"그리운 부석사"


사랑하다가 죽어버려라

오죽하면 비로자나불이 손가락에 매달려 앉아 있겠느냐

기다리다가 죽어버려라

오죽하면 아미타불이 모가지를 베어서 베개로 삼겠느냐

새벽이 지나도록

마지(摩指)를 올리는 쇠종 소리는 울리지 않는데

나는 부석사 당간지주 앞에 평생을 앉아

그대에게 밥 한 그릇 올리지 못하고

눈물 속에 절 하나 지었다 부수네

하늘 나는 돌 위에 절 하나 짓네


           주: 이 시는 영주 부석사의 창건설화를 이용합니다. 의상대사를 연모한 당나라의 여인 선묘가 의상대사가 자신의 사랑을 거절하고 신라로 귀국하자 용이 되어 따랐고, 그 용은 하늘을 나르는 바위가 되어 문무왕의 명령으로 절을 짓는 의상을 도왔다고 전합니다.


-정호승 시집 "사랑하다가 죽어버려라" (1997)