한국 한시선(韓國漢詩選)


반빈(半賓) 2023. 2. 2. 08:36




















펼쳐진 들판이 술잔만 해 보이고

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백 리 밖까지 종소리가 들리고

여덟 모서리 사이로 신선이 나란합니다


드높은 공훈이 함께 솟아 있었다는데

지금이나 옛날이나 오르는 사람은 끊겼습니다


         주: 백탑이라 불릴 만 한 흰색의 탑은 여러 지역에 있지만, 이 작품의 소재는 중국 요양(遼陽)에 있는 백탑이라 생각됩니다.  마지막 연은 공훈을 인정받지 못한 억울한 역사인물을 지칭하는 듯하나, 백탑은 성격과 구조로 볼 때 불탑(佛塔)이어서 직접 역사인물과 연관시키기는 어렵습니다. 요양과의 거리를 고려할 때, 명말 산해관을 지키며 후금(後金)과 전쟁에 공훈을 세웠지만 모함을 받아 사형당한 원숭환(袁崇煥, 1584-1630)을 이야기하는 듯합니다.

(반빈 역)


Kim Chong-hui


"White Pagoda"


The field around appears dwarfed to the size of a cup,

And the skies encircling this traveler also look stubby.


The pagoda somehow props up the universe;

And it can also be a signpost for travelers.


The ringing bell reaches hundred miles away;

Celestials are lined up between eight corners.


They say, distinguished merits were standing aloft together,

But now, as well as then, no one attempts to climb it.


            Note: Among many white pagodas found in various places, the subject of this poem is the one in Liaoyang (遼陽), China.  The last couplet seems to refer to a historical figure whose meritorious achievements were never recognized.  However, the White Pagoda in Liaoyang is a Buddhist architecture, and are not likely to be connected to any actual historical figure.  One figure that may be geographically connected is Yuan Chonghuan (袁崇煥, 1584-1630), who fought in late Ming heroically against what soon becomes Qing.  Despite his commitment and success in defending the Ming, he was slandered and, as a result, executed.

(H. Rhew, tr.)