한국현대시번역(韓國現代詩翻譯) 263

윤동주 봄 (중국어 영어 번역)

尹東柱(1917-1945) 〈春〉 春意在血管裏,流如小溪, 潺、潺、離溪不遠的丘陵上 迎春花、杜鵑花、黃燦燦的白菜花 忍了三冬的我 像一株株草似地長出來。 開心的雲雀啊 從一條田壟開心地飛上去吧。 藍天青空 漫漫,高得很⋯⋯ (半賓譯) Yun Dong-ju (1917-1945) "Spring" Tidings of spring flow in blood vessels like a brook, Murmuring, murmuring. On a hill not far from the brook, bloom Forsythias, azaleas, cabbage flowers of resplendent yellow. Having endured three winter months, I grow back like patches of gras..

전경자 사촌언니(중국어, 영어 번역)

全慶子(1945- ) 〈我表姐〉 清溪川美金黑市裏做黃牛的表姐 在一輩子第一次來過的 機場 含着淚磨磨蹭蹭後 把摺了又摺的一百元鈔票 緊緊填在我手裏 不知為何如此悲傷如此欣然的我 在一輩子第一次來過的 蒼空 不管周圍說啥似地 哇哇大哭着想 我表姐 (半賓譯) Chun Kyungja "My Cousin" A dollar peddler in the Chonggye Stream black market, My cousin, was at the airport She'd come for the first time in her life. She dawdled a while, her eyes brimming with tears, Before squeezing into my hand A hundred-dollar bill folded and f..

박목월 나그네 (중국어, 영어 번역)

朴木月(1919-1978) 〈遊子〉 渡越渡口 沿著麥田小徑 遊子飄飄 走如月行雲中 單條獨路 向南道三百里 每每酒熟村莊 燒著醉紅夕霞 遊子飄飄 走如月行雲中 (半賓譯) Pak Mog-wol (1919-1978) "A Rover" Crossing the ford Going along the path by the wheatfield Is a rover going Like the moon riding on the clouds On a lone road Three-hundred li to the south Through the burning glow at sunset In every village where the wine matures Is a rover going Like the moon riding on the cl..