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사뿐히 물가에 서서
신선처럼 멀리를 바라봅니다
본성이 연꽃을 닮아
탁한 진흙을 싫어하고;
색깔이 치자꽃 같으면서
더더욱 아름답습니다.
뿌리를 내리는데
봄볕 양지바른 땅에만 기대지 않고;
꽃잎을 펼쳐내는데
눈비 내리는 날씨에 거침이 없습니다
향내를 맡으니 안타까움에
병들어 누운 유마거사가 생각납니다
여러 번 다시 태어난다 해도
누가 그 인연을 다시 마무리 하겠습니까?
주: 마지막 연은 유마거사가 중생이 병 들었으므로 자신도 병들었다고 했다는 일을 이용합니다.
(반빈 역)
Kim Yu-gun
Six plants I bedded out
Grow leaves of jade-like warmth,
Stand softly by the waters,
And look far out like fairies.
By nature, they resemble lotus flowers,
And loathe turbid mud;
Their color look like that of gardenia flowers,
But much more charming.
For taking roots, they do not rely only
On places full of spring sunshine;
In opening flower petals, they heroically disregard
Weather conditions of rain and snow.
Smelling the scent, I think of Vimalakirti,
Sick for his sympathy with all sick sentient beings.
Even after repeated rebirths,
Who will complete the fated relationships?
Note: The ending couplet alludes to the story of Vimalikirti, who explains his sickness as his sympathy with all sentient beings who get sick.
(H Rhew, tr.)
'한국 한시선(韓國漢詩選)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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